Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Sept. 29th - Oct. 3rd 2014 - 2015 Colonial America week 1

This week the student's of Highland Elementary will begin their Colonial Am. culture study. The Unit begins by explaining who the 1st colonist were, where and why they came here.  I prepared a powerpoint that showed them how they immigrated to America and about the 1st 13 colonies.  We discussed daily life in the colonies and the many jobs that people held with in the family and in the community.  The jobs included a cooper (barrel maker), blacksmith, silversmith, wood worker or carpenters, candle makers, potters, weavers, quilters, and glass blowers. The powerpoint was very helpful in helping the students understand these concepts. I set up the room to look like a real log cabin that the early pioneers and colonist would have live in.  Below are pictures of the colonial exhibit and the art work created by the students about quilt designs.

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