Monday, September 2, 2013

Sept. 3rd -6th Pabloesque Portraits
    This week the 3rd -5th graders will be painting abstract portraits in the style of Pablo Picasso using the medium of tempera paint.  We will continue to discuss and learn more about the element of color, focusing primarily on the primary colors, secondary colors, warm and cool color schemes, and tints and shades.  They students will be actually mixing the secondary colors and making their own tints and shades as they paint their abstract portraits.  While they are working on their project I will read them the biographies of Pablo Picasso and Leonardo Da Vinci from the children's book, "Lives of the Artists, Masterpieces, Messes and What the Neighbors Thought".  What better way to show the difference between a realistic portrait and an abstract portrait that to use the most famous painting in the world the "Mona Lisa"?   We will be comparing and contrasting it with Pablo Picasso's "Weeping Woman".  You can see the images of these paintings below:

     The K - 2nd graders will be studying color as well and creating their own color wheels after I do a little magic experiment with water and food color.  They always love to see how the primary colors combine to make the secondary colorsThey squeal with delight!!  Below are some of their creations:

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