Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Aug. 26th - 30th  Drawing 3-D Forms 

      This week the students in 3rd - 5th grades will add the dimension of depth to their shapes and create forms.  They will be using a neutral color scheme and add texture to their drawings by using the techniques of hatching, crosshatching, contour hatching and stippling.  We will also discuss and employ the use of value shading on some of the objects in our still life to help them understand the different values in the gray scale.  In addition the students will understand the concept of positive and negative space the the object they are drawing take up.  We studied the illustration on the cover of the book " Where the Wild Things Are" as an example of hatching , cross hatching etc. Below are some examples of the students at work:

     This week the students in K- 2 will be continuing their work with lines and shapes and increasing their drawing skills and confidence by drawing various animals and people using the letter of the alphabet.  For example the capital letter "A" is used to make an alligator.  The capitol "A" becomes the mouth that is open.  Below are some examples of this technique:

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