Saturday, September 15, 2012

In looking ahead, once again we will be hosting exhibits from Western Kentucky University.  We will host the Folk Art exhibit the week of Oct. 22nd through the 26th.  A Native American exhibit Nov. 12th -16th. and finally, an African exhibit the week of Feb. 25th - Mar. 1st.  These exhibits are for one week only but are of high quality.  The Kentucky Museum from W.K.U. loans out various artifacts from each of these cultures to help educate our students about the previously mentioned cultures.  I invite you to stop by during those weeks to view the collections. They are authentically made by the people whom they represent.  Western provides us with this service for free.  What a wonderful opportunity for all.
 To learn more about the Ky. Museum and all that they can provide you and your students click on the following link.

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