Saturday, September 15, 2012

As can be anticipated from time to time, there will be a change of plans for next week.  Since we will be celebrating "Constitution Day" on Mon.  I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to have the art lesson support that nation wide/ school wide theme.  This week in grades K-3 we will be looking at our constitution and the many cultures that it protects within our own country.  By doing this the students will learn that America was and has always been a nation of immigrants.  We are a diverse cultural nation.  By focusing on the people of our country we can see how much freedom the constitution has brought us. The K-3rd graders will be drawing a diverse group of people from all ages to all backgrounds and cultures untied together to support our constitution.

The 4th and 5th graders will be drawing an American Eagle holding the Constitution with the American Flag as the backdrop.   By bringing patriotic awareness to our children we hope to instill the importance of honoring our country and it's symbols.

Students Kindergarten through 3rd worked on portraying the various faces of all the various cultures present in the United States today.  We discussed how the constitution is for all American citizens.

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