Saturday, August 20, 2011

Gifted and Talented program for the Visual Arts

I am currently in the process of looking at all the students here at Highland as they come to art each week. I am making notes of special interest, ability, techniques and obvious giftedness in the visual arts. After one grading period I will review my findings and if your child shows potential in this area I will be sending a form home that you can complete as well. It is our hope to be able to give our gifted students some additional time to focus one their strenghts in art here at school and at home. I am encouraging any "homemade" art or other creative ventures to be brought in to me for review. I have already discussed with the children the four "C's" of art; creativity, craftsmanship, complexity and composition. These are just a few of the things that I am looking for on a weekly basis. I just wanted you to be aware that there are wonderful opportunites for your child in this area.

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