Monday, December 10, 2012

Dec. 10th - 14th   Creating Christmas Ornaments
    This week and the first three days of next week the students here at Highland will be creating a variety of Christmas ornaments.  Because they have been studying about Tchaikovsky's "Nutcracker" in music class, many of the grade levels will be making their own versions of a nutcracker.  They will include the art core content standards of line, shape, form, color, texture, value and space.  They will also include the principles of contrast, emphasis, balance and repetition in their creations.  Below are some of the various  nutcrackers they have created. 

Here is one of their story maps they completed in music class after watching the video of the "Nutcracker" ballet.  They children from Highland also got the opportunity to travel to South Green Elementary another Elementary in our district to watch their live production of the "Nutcracker" in the historic Plaza Theater.

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