Tuesday, October 9, 2012

      I know it is very early in the year but I wanted to showcase some of the artwork that is being created by the Gifted and Talented art students and the G.T. art pool students here at Highland Elementary.  I am very proud of them; they are working so hard and give a lot of extra time and energy to expressing themselves through the visual arts.  Way to go HIGHLAND!!!!

This vase with flowers was made using a technique called "impasto".  It requires that the artist build up the texture of the subject matter using a heavy modeling paste applied with a palette knife.  Then the artist paints over that once it is dried.

These two non-objective paintings were painted by 2 sisters and will be displayed in their  home side by side.  Even though they are similar there are still color choices that are different as well as motifs and pattern differences.

Just for fun!!!

Another beautiful "impasto" piece!

A great example of "weaving".  This was woven on a cardboard loom.

another one just for the fun of it!


one of a pair of "impasto" pieces

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