Thursday, August 30, 2012

Next week in art we will begin our study of color.   Of course we will begin by discussing the color wheel and the primary and secondary colors. We will be painting our own color wheels using acrylic paint and actually mixing our secondary colors.  the children are always amazed at how two primary colors can combine to make such beautiful secondary colors.   Our famous artist of the week will be Piet Mondrain.  To see many of his masterworks click on the link below.

 Piet Mondrain was born in the Netherlands in 1872.  He was influenced by many artistic styles and even helped found an artistic movement called DeStijl.  He created about 250 paintings in his lifetime.  The paintings that Piet Mondrain are  most famous for are rectangles of white and primary colors, dissected by black lines.  (The primary colors and neutral colors of black and white.)

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