Saturday, May 4, 2013

May 6th, 2013

Dear Parent,
       I am so proud and excited to announce that your child’s artwork is now on display in the second annual Glasgow Independent schools Art Show.  The work is being displayed at the Museum of the Barrens just off the square.  The show lasts from May 6th through Fri. May 17th.  Please take some time to view this free art show and enjoy seeing the pride on your child’s face as they see their artwork being displayed for all the community to view.  South Green’s students also have their work on display as well. 
I am very proud of all their hard work and dedication. Most of the work has been done on Saturdays when they could have chosen to be somewhere else.  I think that speaks volumes to how important the arts are to our children.  I hope this opportunity will open creative venues for them for the rest of their lives.  It is an honor to have been their teacher. 
As you know the whole point of making this portfolio is to help the students to be placed in the Gifted and Talented Art Program.  Their work will be judged by professionals and then the decision as to their placement will be made.  Some of the students will make the cut, others will not.  Do not let failure to make the cut be discouraging; because, the standards for getting in are very high.  It could be that your child had very strong pieces in the exhibit, but lacked one or two required pieces.  Or, perhaps one or two of the pieces were just not as strong as other ones that they submitted.  The entire portfolio will be judged as a whole unit.
Once again, I am so proud of each and every student who made the effort to get this far.  May they also allow their creativity to blossom.   

Mr. Woodward

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